Arendale, David2020-01-242020-01-242019Arendale, D. R. (2019). [Video]. Peer group facilitator growth overview, part one of four. Available online: research investigates the potential contribution of the PAL experience to the emergence of the facilitator’s leader development of their identities and skills. If these developments occur as a result of the PAL experience, could the process for change be identified? If the process for change is understood, is it possible to be intentional about the development of the PAL facilitator?encollege studentspeer and group learninglearning and teaching in higher educationstudent engagement and motivationcollege student developmentfacilitatorpeer assisted learningpersonal growthprofessional growthArendale, D. R. (2019). [Video]. Peer group facilitator growth overview, part one of four. Available online: or Animation