Ayers, Matthew2019-06-242019-06-242007https://hdl.handle.net/11299/203817The rise in demand for undergraduate housing near the University of Minnesota has led to a considerable loss of owner-occupied homes in the area, due to buy-outs and the deteriorating sense of safety and community associated with these areas. To address their community concerns, the university-area neighborhoods of Marcy- Holmes, Southeast Como, and Prospect Park commissioned a survey to better understand the housing needs of the faculty and staff at the university, as well as graduate students, alumni, and retired faculty. The survey was designed to gauge the interest of respondents in moving closer to the area, and what community and housing amenities they would need to make this transition. The survey was conducted through an online survey resource and was disseminated through the University of Minnesota's Office of Community Relations, Graduate and Professional Students Association, the Alumni Association, and other University groups. Questions varied from basic demographic data regarding age, zip code of residence, and association with the University of Minnesota to specific housing questions covering desired amenities in prospective neighborhoods, housing preferences, and what the respondents could afford to spend on housing. The survey also asked for written comments regarding housing and living in the University communities.enCommutingMarcy Holmes NeighborhoodMinneapolisNeighborhood Planning for Community Revitalization (NPCR)Prospect Park NeighborhoodRental HousingResidential ChoiceSoutheast Como NeighborhoodUniversity of MinnesotaUrban UniversityUniversity Communities Housing Needs SurveyReport