Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program2015-06-152015-06-152004https://hdl.handle.net/11299/172615Articles include: Minnesota handbook to aid Afghan road reconstruction, New technologies featured at annual pavement conference, Associations present annual awards, Red-light cameras and you?, Rumble strips down centerlines of two-lane roads reduce head-on and sideswipe crashes, OPERA goes a little bit country, Do rumble strips really affect the way we stop?, Increasing safety at rural intersections, Scanning tour: superior materials, advanced test methods, and specifications, Have the Martians landed? No, it's machine control! GPS for construction, To pave or not to pave-when is it advantageous to upgrade gravel roads?, Just how super is Superpave?, Transverse thermal cracking: our #1 pavement distress, Pavement preservation, Improving concrete pavements, DakTrak: Dakota County automates vehicle location, Coming LTAP Attractions, A network of information at your fingertips, Be on the lookout for wildlifeenTransportationMinnesota Local Technical Assistance ProgramLTAP Technology Exchange (Spring 2004, vol. 12, no. 2)Newsletter or Bulletin