Mucahy, ConnorRomanelli, DanielMay, MitchellSchulz, RogerMoorhead, StevenJirsa, Mark J2023-10-092023-10-092013-08 map was created by PRC Field Camp students under the guidance of Mark Jirsa, M.Sc., Senior Geologist, Minnesota Geological Survey. The purpose of this map is to further understand the geology of the Hanson Lake area, with special focus on the sedimentary and structural history of Archean and Proterozoic bedrock. This map is the product of seven days of field mapping by the authors in August 2013. Outcrops were mapped by canoe along shorelines and by foot along inland traverses within the Dutton Lake, Ester Lake, Kekekabic Lake, and Ogishkemuncie Lake quadrangles. Although the field mapping was carried out on 1:24,000 scale maps, the digitization of data allowed this map to be produced at a 1:12,000 scale. It is the first detailed geologic map of the area to be produced at this scale.enPrecambrian Research CenterUniversity of Minnesota Duluth2013 Precambrian Field CampBedrock Geology of the Hanson Lake Mapping AreaMap