2018-10-292018-10-292000-09https://hdl.handle.net/11299/200710adapted from the Executive Summary: Transportation experts from various metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), local private sector businesses, state transportation officials, and federal representatives from the U.S. Department of Transportation met in Bloomington, MN, on September 12-14, 2000, for a workshop hosted by FHWA Minnesota Division Office, Minnesota Department of Transportation, and the Center for Transportation Studies. The purpose of the workshop was to elicit and consider the varied experiences of the attendees related to intermodal freight planning, policy, performance measurement, and investment. The workshop served as a forum for proactive public officials and industry to consider both (1) priority needs for federal and state planning and assistance programs that can enhance freight productivity and mobility in the next decade and beyond and (2) ways to increase the growing partnership efforts between the public and private sectors that can improve intermodal freight transportation performance and efficiency. Not surprisingly, attendees at the workshop voiced a common consensus: namely, that the current means by which freight transportation improvement programs and projects are conducted must change. Change must focus on enhancing the general public's understanding of freight and intermodal freight transportation and its role in citizens' lives; program responsiveness; public-private sector interaction and cooperation; and access to and delivery of financial resources. These were underscored in presentations, break-out session, and informal interactions during the workshop.enFreightProceedingsNational Freight Transportation Workshop ProceedingsPresentation