Purdy, EleanorUniversity YMCA2018-05-042018-05-042009https://hdl.handle.net/11299/196311The University YMCA (U-Y) is in a unique position within the University of Minnesota (U of M) and greater community to provide student services that support the retention of the U of M's low-income, first-generation, and minority (LIFGM) students. Since its inception, the U-Y has been a leader in student affairs and engagement, pioneering such essential elements of U of M life as Orientation and Housing programs. Currently, its three youth work programsラY Scholars, Y Buddies, and Y Tutorsラserve hundreds of elementary, middle, and high school students from Title I schools in Minneapolis, while offering college students opportunities to build their professional and leadership skills. The Y Scholars program works with middle and high school students, providing mentoring, tutoring, and higher education exploration to middle and high school students. Y Buddies is a school-based and individual mentoring program for youth in grades 3-8. Y Tutors provides classroom and individual tutoring and mentoring to students in grades K-5. Recent reports have shown the urgent and critical need to improve the college graduation rates of LIFGM students. Enrollment of minority students in Minnesota high schools is rising while white student enrollment is on the decline: according to the Minnesota State Demographer, the number of White high school graduates is projected to decline by 19 percent by 2014, whereas enrollment of minority high school students will increase by 52 percent. (Trouble on the Horizon, 2004) These figures point toward a growing number of LIFGM students that will be entering our state's colleges and universities in the near future. As a part of the grant, the U-Yラalong with nine other college YMCAs across the countryラprovided paid internships to three undergraduate students from the grant's target population. The Collegiate Achievers interns have spent the 2007-2008 academic year reviewing literature, conducting interviews and focus groups, and determining the most effective ways that the U-Y can positively affect LIFGM student persistence. The CURA graduate research assistant advised the undergraduate interns, complimented their research efforts, and developed a set of recommended program components.enCollegiate Achievers at the University YMCAReport