2017-04-032017-04-031999https://hdl.handle.net/11299/185455Practice Notes was developed in collaboration between CASCW affiliates and public child welfare practitioners. They were intended as a reference for practitioners, linking research with best practices. Issues were published between 1997 and 2010.Child welfare agencies are seeing a growing number of cases of children witnessing adult domestic violence, or maltreated children whose mothers are also the victim of domestic assault. Yet the problems of child maltreatment and violence against women have traditionally been viewed and treated as two distinct issues. Working together on behalf of the safety of all victims of family violence requires communication, cross-training, and ongoing coordination and integration of services. This issue provides practical guidelines for child welfare professionals based on a national curriculum (Ganley & Schechter, 1996) and it provides resources for professionals interested in learning more about national efforts to successfully respond to all victims of family violence.enProtecting Children in Families Involved in Domestic Violence (PN #06)Other