Austin, Jay AElmer, Cassandra2021-07-282021-07-282021-07-28 data is presented in two different forms. First, individual, raw temperature records are presented in directories corresponding to individual mooring deployments. In addition, a separate directory includes hourly, gridded data from each individual mooring deployment, which are likely of more interest to investigators. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data is presented in raw form. All data is presented in MATLAB format.From 2005 to the present, investigators from the Large Lakes Observatory at the University of Minnesota, Duluth have been deploying sub-surface moorings instrumented with temperature and current sensors at a variety of sites around Lake Superior. Temperature sensors at a range of depths, and profiling current meters were used to characterize the physical properties of the lake's water column. At one site, a nearly continuous time series of temperature throughout the water column exists from 2005 to the present, including winter months. Other sites are occupied for shorter spans. This archival entry covers the period 2005-2015.CC0 1.0 Universal SuperiorTemperatureCurrent dataLake Superior moored temperature and currents, Sep 2005-May 2015Dataset