Vainrub, Sophia2010-05-132010-05-132010-04-21 contributors: Maryanne Reilly-Spong; Cynthia R. Gross (faculty mentor).Clinicians often assume that a patient instructed to take a medication once a day will follow directions without a problem. While it seems easy to adhere to a daily medication regimen, patient factors that clinicians may not consider can come into the equation and affect patient adherence. My poster analyzes patterns of adherence to once daily Lunesta in a sample of 10 patients enrolled in Dr. Cynthia Gross’s pilot study, Meditation vs. Pharmacotherapy #1 (MVP #1). The patients in this sample all had a diagnosis of primary chronic insomnia and received instructions on how to take their Lunesta, how to taper off before the end of the study, and possible side effects. A sleep physician also went over sleep hygiene with them. My poster tracks the patients’ medication-taking behavior over the course of the 5-month study and comments on whether the trends and outcomes follow “what the doctor prescribed”.en-USCollege of PharmacyDepartment of Experimental and Clinical PharmacologySchool of NursingAcademic Health CenterPatterns of Lunesta Use in the MVP#1 PilotPresentation