Kim, Sophia C2016-08-232016-08-232016-08-23 first column indicates panelist (participant) numbers that were used to identify the participants of this study. Remaining columns indicate age, gender, mouth behavior group (Mouth_Behavior), saliva flow rate (Saliva_Flow_Rate), biting force (Biting_Force), particle size difference threshold (Particle_Size_Threshold), variance of hue (SD_Hue), and texture attributes that were rated for liking.The data from Part 2 of the thesis "Liking of Food Textures and Relationship with Oral Physiological Parameters,"contains the raw and processed data files in which participants evaluated their liking of 106 texture attributes and then classified themselves into one of the mouth behavior groups. The saliva flow rate, biting force, variance of hue, and particle size difference threshold of each participant were also measured. Age and gender information is also included. The data can be used for various analyses in order to examine the relationships among the different types of variables.surveylikingattributemeasurementmouth behavioragegenderData from Liking of Food Textures and Relationship with Oral Physiological Parameters, Part 2Dataset