Brady, ValerieBreneman, Dan2015-03-162017-04-142015-03-162017-04-142010 sampled benthic macroinvertebrates and stream habitat at five locations in Miller Creek during late May 2008 as part of a TMDL (total maximum daily load) study on temperature. Data collected included: macroinvertebrate community composition, in-stream habitat for invertebrates and fish, stream bottom substrate types, and sediment particle size distribution. These data were linked with temperature logger data supplied by the South Saint Louis Soil and Water Conservation District (SSL SWCD) at or near these five sites, as well as additional sites (total of 27 stations) along the creek. Miller Creek macroinvertebrate and habitat samples were compared to data from several other streams where samples were collected during the early summer.enBiological monitoring surveyStreamsBenthic macroinvertebratesMiller CreekTotal maximum daily load (TDML)Natural Resources Research InstituteUniversity of Minnesota DuluthMiller Creek Macroinvertebrate, Habitat, and Temperature ReportNatural Resources Research Institute Technical ReportTechnical Report