Sweet, Dorothy DHirsch, Cory DHirsch, Candice NMurray, Seth2024-05-162024-05-162024-05-16https://hdl.handle.net/11299/263218TX_PHTs_2020_merged.csv contains all extracted height values at various percentiles. YYYYMMDD-G2F-Texas-RGB-Orthos_LZW.tif is a compressed orthomosaic file for each flight. YYYYMMDD-G2F-Texas-RGB-DEMs.zip is a zip folder containing all DEM files for an individual flight date. Plot_Shapefiles.zip is a zip folder containing all plot shapefiles for all flights at a location. Extracted_Values.zip is a zip folder containing all extracted value flights for each flight individually within a location.This dataset (DRUM 8 of 8) is a subset of the flight data collected through the Genomes to Fields Initiative in 2020 and 2021. In conjunction with equivalent datasets on similar material at alternate locations, this data provides a valuable resource for evaluating the performance and stability of hybrid maize across many environments. Many flights throughout the growing season were conducted at these locations (Delaware, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and Texas) and this dataset includes the orthomosaics, digital elevation models, plot shapefiles, and extracted plant height values for each of those flights following the pipeline from Anderson, Steven L., II, Seth C. Murray, Lonesome Malambo, Colby Ratcliff, Sorin Popescu, Dale Cope, Anjin Chang, Jinha Jung, and J. Alex Thomasson. 2019. “Prediction of Maize Grain Yield before Maturity Using Improved Temporal Height Estimates of Unmanned Aerial Systems.” The Plant Phenome Journal 2 (1): 1–15.. This maize experiment consisted of over 1000 maize hybrids grown in partial replication across 8 environments in 2 years. A set of common hybrids were grown in every location in order to establish a connection between environments, Within the partially replicated set, hybrids were produced by the cross of double haploids derived from the WI-SS-MAGIC population to the inbred testers PHK76, PHP02, and PHZ51 with the tester choice depending on the relative maturity zone of the location. For this location (Texas 2020) PHZ51 was used. A modified randomized complete block design was used for testing.CC0 1.0 Universalhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/Genomes to Fields Initiative Flight Data - Texas 2020Datasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/98zh-7w15