Jaakola, LeenaEarl, JohnBarnett, SarahOlsen, Tyler2017-03-082017-03-082016https://hdl.handle.net/11299/184910Report, presentation, and poster completed by students enrolled in CEGE 511: Urban Hydrology and Water Quality, taught by Dr. John Gulliver in Spring 2016.This project was completed as part of the 2015-2016 Resilient Communities Project (rcp.umn.edu) partnership with Carver County. Carver County was interested in reducing amounts of total suspended solids (TSS) and total phosphorus (TP) in the Grace Chain of Lakes. To determine the best solution, Carver County project lead Tim Sundby worked with a team of students in CEGE 5511: Urban Hydrology and Water Quality. Based on an analysis that used P8 modeling software, the students recommended that the County use a combination of rain gardens, iron-enhanced sand filters, SAFL baffles, vegetated swales, and modified pond dimensions to reduce TSS and TP levels. The students' final poster, presentation, and report are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentCarver Countystormwater managementCarver County Projects, 2015-2016Grace Chain of Lakes Stormwater Retrofit: Assessment of Best Management PracticesPresentation