Sell, AndrewHofelich Mohr, Alicia2015-07-072015-07-072015 Kucha presented at the 2015 International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST) Conference, Minneapolis, MN.For data management professionals, attention is largely focused on the beginning and ends of the research process, as many researchers are worried about meeting federal requirements for data management plans (DMPs) and are looking for ways to share and archive their data. As a University office specializing in survey and experimental data collection, we have seen how the "middle" steps of data collection and analysis can be influenced by, and be an influence on, these upstream and downstream data management processes. In this Pecha Kucha, we will present relevant data management lessons we have learned from designing, developing, and hosting data collection tools. Challenges of anonymity and paying participants, quirks of statistical files produced by data collection tools, and transparency in the research process are among some of the issues we will discuss. As many of these challenges directly impact later sharing and curation of the data collected, we emphasize that data collection offices can be important partners in data management efforts.enData managementData collectionCall me maybe? It's not crazy! Data collection offices are a good partner in data managementPresentation