Heinselman, Miron L.United States Geological Survey2014-12-082014-12-082014https://hdl.handle.net/11299/168077Includes 60 scanned USGS maps at scale 1:24,000 (7.5 Minute) and one USGS map at scale 1:62,500 (15 Minute). Also includes one Google Earth KML file that visualizes the region covered by annotated set. Set covers the following regions: Alice Lake, Angleworm Lake, Astrid lake, Basswood Lake East, Basswood Lake West, Basswood lake, Beth Lake, Bogberry Lake, Bootleg Lake, Brule Lake, Chad Lake, Cherokee Lake, Coleman Island, Conners Island, Crab Lake, Crane Lake, Crocodile Lake, Dutton Lake, Eagle Mountain, Echo Lake, Ely, Ensign Lake, Ester Lake, Farm Lake, Forest Center, Fourtown Lake, Friday Bay, Gabbro Lake, Gillis Lake, Gunflint Lake, Hungry Jack Lake, Iron Lake, Isabella Lake, Jackfish Lake, Kawishiwi Lake, Kekekabic Lake, Kelso Mountain, Lake Agnes, Lake Insula, Lake Jeanette, Lake Polly, Lapond Lake, Lima Mountain, Long Island Lake, Munker Island, Ogishkemuncie Lake, Ojibway Lake, Perent Lake, Pine Lake East, Pine Lake West, Quadga Lake, Sawbill Camp, Shagwa Lake, Shell Lake, Sioux Pine Island, Snow Bay, Snowbank Lake, South Lake, Tait Lake, Takucmich Lake.The Stand Origin Map Series is a set of United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographical maps annotated by Miron "Bud" Heinselman. Information on the maps was obtained through years of personal field research. The maps were given to the University of Minnesota by the author in 1992. The maps were used by the author for his book, The Boundary Waters Wilderness Ecosystem (University of Minnesota Press, 1996).enBoundary Waters Canoe Area WildernessWildfiresNatural HistoryForest FiresEcologyStand Origin Map Series Annotated by Miron HeinselmanMap