Michlin, MichaelSeppanen, PatriciaSheldon, TimothyCenter for Applied Research and Educational Improvement2007-10-162007-10-162001https://hdl.handle.net/11299/3678This report was written by Michael Michlin, Patricia Seppanen, and Timothy Sheldon. In particular we wish to acknowledge other members of the study team who played invaluable roles. Gayle Zoffer and Lesa Covington-Clarkson participated in the design of the study and data collection but left for other positions before the report was written. Lucy Payne provided expertise in instrument design and mathematics education and Shelley Mann provided expertise in data reduction and analysis. Rebecca Broback provided valuable data verification and editorial assistance in assembling this report. From the Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning, Bill Linder-Sholer, Nancy Nutting and Marlys Otis, all on staff at SciMathMN, and Sharon Stenglein, Curriculum and Instruction, worked in close collaboration with us throughout the project, offering support and assistance with each of the districts. We would also like to recognize the assistance provided by the curriculum directors and coordinators from each of the case study districts.Across the state of Minnesota, school districts have adopted a variety of new mathematics curricula developed in the 1990s with the support of the National Science Foundation. As of spring 2000, more than 100 districts in Minnesota were using one of these standards-based curricula at the elementary, middle and/or high school levels. This is the final report of the multi-year study of implementation and impact of standards-based curricula in Minnesota in several district settings.en-USSciMathMNcurriculum and instructionimplementation / disseminationmathematics educationstate standardsCharting a New Course: A Study of the Adoption and Implementation of Standards-Based Mathematics Curricula in Eight Minnesota School Districts: Final Report to Sci MathMN (Fall 2001)Report