Kramer, Gunnar RStreby, Henry MPeterson, Sean MLehman, Justin ABuehler, David A.Wood, Petra BMcNeil, Darin JLarkin, Jeffrey LAndersen, David E2016-11-222016-11-222016-11-22 .lig files are comma separated time stamped ASCII data files where each time-stamped record is on a separate line. The header line of each file contains a three-variable string. Its meaning is unclear. The header lines are removed before data analysis. The .lig files can be opened by any text editors. The original data analysis is read into R using a package called "BAStag". The descriptions (e.g. CM05) next to the files represent the individual Golden-winged Warbler from which the data are collected.21 raw light-level data files (.lig) from geolocators (Biotrak, Wareham, UK; model ML6240, 2-min light-sampling regime) deployed on 20 individual Golden-winged Warblers from three breeding locations in North America. These data were collected to provide information on the migration routes and timing, and nonbreeding locations of individuals from these populations to inform conservation and management strategies. These data are being released following the publication of these findings.CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication dataVermivora chrysopteraGolden-winged WarblerRaw Light-Level Geolocator Data from Golden-Winged Warblers Breeding at Three Sites in North AmericaDataset