Heinemeyer, Sven2017-05-242017-05-242017-05https://hdl.handle.net/11299/188234We analyze various SUSY Theories using all available experimental data. The analyses are performed within the MasterCode collaboration. The data includes Higgs measurements and exclusion bounds, SUSY bounds from LHC searches, electroweak precision data, flavor observables, direct searches for DM and Planck data. The theories analyzed comprise GUT based scenarios such as the CMSSM, NUHM, AMSB, ... as well as low-energy realizations, e.g. the pMSSM10 or pMSSM11. We obtain the experimetally preferred parameter regions and thus the preferred DM scenarios in the various theories. Predictions where to find SUSY DM are discussed.enFTPIOLIVEFESTPreferred DM Scenarios in SUSY TheoriesPresentation