Goldberg, Lewis R.2011-01-072011-01-071977Goldberg, Lewis R. (1977). What if we administered the wrong inventory? The prediction of scores on Personality Research Form scales from those on the California Psychological Inventory, and vice versa. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1, 339-354. doi:10.1177/014662167700100303doi:10.1177/014662167700100303 are presented for estimating the scores on each of 20 PRF scales and each of 19 CPI scales from the other inventory. Estimates of the cross-validity of these inter-inventory prediction equations ranged from about .40 to approximately .80. Scores on the typical CPI scale are predicted reasonably well by one or two PRF content scales, plus the Desirability scale. While scores on most PRF scales can be equally well estimated by a few CPI scales, one PRF scale-Sentience-appears to be unpredictable from the CPI.enWhat if we administered the wrong inventory? The prediction of scores on Personality Research Form scales from those on the California Psychological Inventory, and vice versaArticle