Setterholm, D.R.Morey, G.B.Southwick, D.L.2012-03-212012-03-211987 descriptions of the stratigraphy and geochemistry of Cretaceous age rocks, Southwestern Minnesota. report and 6 plates at scale of 1:250,000, Plate 1-Sub-Cretaceous bedrock topography; Plate 2-SubQuaternary bedrock topography; Plate 3- Cretaceous residual thickness isopach; Plate 4-Quaternary thickness isopach; Plate 5-Database; Plate 6- Cross Sections, scale 1:250,000. Superseded by Minnesota Geological Survey publications M-69 and IC-27.en-USStratigraphy and geochemistry of the Cretaceous rocks of southwestern MinnesotaReport