Gottfried, DavidYan, JiapengHirilall, AshleyGlavas, Dragan2021-03-042021-03-042020 completed by students enrolled in PA 5311: Program Evaluation, taught by Emily Kalnicky in Fall 2020.This project was completed as part of a partnership between Carver County, the Metropolitan Council, and the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project ( The goal of this project was to identify transportation gaps, especially among transit-dependent residents; and to identify overlapping and redundant services. Carver County project lead Adriana Atcheson collaborated with students in Emily Kalnicky’s course, PA 5311: Program Evaluation, to create an evaluation plan that includes a review of transit services, ridership analysis, surveys, and interview guides. A final student report and presentation are available. A videorecording of the students' final presentation is also available at governmentsustainabilityResilient Communities Project, 2020-2021Carver County Transit: Program Evaluation PlanPresentation