Meghdari, Nima2022-08-292022-08-292022-05 of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. 2022. Major: Design, Housing and Apparel. Advisors: Becky Yust, Julia Robinson. 1 computer file (PDF); 176 pages.Through sensory processes, perception, and cognition, the built environment can influence occupant attitudes and behaviors. The influence of the built environment on occupant behaviors has been widely investigated in both educational and healthcare settings. Comparatively, settings dedicated to treating individuals with violent and disruptive behaviors, such as corrections facilities, have received little attention, and research has primarily focused on developing treatment methods. To expand upon this body of knowledge, this dissertation research project examines the design of four secure juvenile treatment facilities in order to inform future research, design, and post-occupancy evaluations of this facility type.enarchitecturebehavioral healthenvironmental psychologysecure juvenile treatment facilitiestrauma-informed designRaising the Bar: A Trauma-informed Multi-site Qualitative Case Study of Secure Juvenile Treatment Facilities’ DesignThesis or Dissertation