Bode, CollinPower, MaryPower2024-06-122024-06-122024-06-12 DataThis is a 34 page flipchart of the Angelo Reserve. Each page is an 8.5x11 map of a river segment. The maps show the location of the highest accumulated streamflow (using DEM) as the river, even though the channel is wider, and use the vegetative canopy DEM colored by vegetation height. Note the decision to use canopy instead of the traditional bare-earth is to provide visual references while out in the field. Bare-earth provides little help when maps are zoomed in this close. Laminated versions will be availible at the ACCR Science Center to be used during field sampling. Sampling sites can be drawn directly on the maps with a sharpie then removed later using alcohol. Marked up maps are to be either copied using the xerox machine, or scanned. Scanned versions can be sent to Collin Bode to convert the points into a GIS coverage.Desktop WatershedsUNDER CURATORIAL REVIEW: Eel River Flipchart [2007]Dataset