Skurla, James ALichty, Richard WDoorn, David JJacobson, JeanAlmquist-Minko, VickieMalik, NityaWilliams, JoshuaHochsprung, PaulDaly, John2023-08-012023-08-012005 sustainability must consider social, ecological and economic factors. This contract is to model the economic impacts to the current economy of the Grand Portage MN Tribal Community when the energy supply changes in response to implementing hydrogen based technology. This project will analyze possible impacts generated when the source of energy changes. Most input-output impact analyses assume that, when one industry in a defined region increases its production, the necessary supply of intermediate products needed in production will be available. This assumption implies that local resources are currently underutilized, or that excess capacity exists in the supplying industries.enBureau of Business and Economic ResearchUniversity of Minnesota DuluthCook County/Grand Portage Alternative EnergyReport