Schwartz, EricNesseth, JohannaFore, HenriettaWeber, VinAtwood, BrianDykstra, Jeff2018-03-092018-03-092013-05-22 year ago the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, DC convened the Executive Council on Development — a bipartisan group of leaders from government, business, NGOs, and philanthropy — to explore how the U.S. government and private sector can work together to support the success of developing countries. In their final report, Our Shared Opportunity: A Vision for Global Prosperity, the Council highlights how the U.S. private sector's engagement abroad can increase opportunities for American jobs and businesses, while continuing to reduce poverty and hunger in poor countries. The report calls for greater engagement between the government and the private sector, as well as a more pronounced role for trade and investment in U.S. development policy. Please join us as Council co-chairs Vin Weber and Henrietta Fore discuss the major themes and recommendations of Our Shared Opportunity alongside Minnesota business leaders and academic leaders.enCenter for Strategic and International StudiesdevelopmentopportunitiesOur Shared Opportunity: A Vision for Global ProsperityAudio