Sienkiewicz, Emily2010-05-242010-05-242010-03-22 catalog for the library exhibition "Ritual of Reading: Religion and the Illustrated Book," held March 22-May 14, 2010Throughout history, the illustrated book has served a significant role in the practice of religion and the expression of religious beliefs. Ranging from bibles to codices to examples of great literature and reproductions of master paintings, the books in the Francis V. Gorman Rare Art Book Collection and the University's Special Collections demonstrate the key role art and artists play in the cultivation and promotion of religion, faith and spirituality.en-USReligionIllustrated BooksFrancis V. Gorman Rare and Special Art Book CollectionExhibitionsLibraryUniversity LibrariesArtBooksGormanExhibit Catalog for, "Ritual of Reading: Religion and the Illustrated Book," March 22-May 14, 2010Other