Hansen, Toran2019-06-242019-06-242007https://hdl.handle.net/11299/203815The Harrison neighborhood is located in North Minneapolis. This project was part of an ongoing effort of Harrison residents to promote racial and economic equity using an anti-racist analysis. The report contains four institutionalized racism cases: (1) The case of Bobby William's gas stations in Harrison; (2) The history of segregation and the concentration of poverty in Harrison; (3) The Hollman Decree; (4) An anti-racist analysis of the Harrison Neighborhood Association itself. The data for this project was obtained from books, original newspaper articles and documents, interviews with community members, and research over the internet. This report has been used in organization-wide training and education of Harrison residents and allies with the intent of making the case for racial and economic equity.enAfrican AmericansBlacksHmongImmigrantsLow IncomeMinoritiesNeighborhood Planning for Community Revitalization (NPCR)PovertyRaceRacismSomalisHarrison Neighborhood Association Anti-Racism Project SummaryReport