Wang, YanPakhomov, SergueiMelton, Genevieve2012-10-312012-10-312012-10-31 ‘procedure description’ section in operative note contains a significant amount of description of actions performed during an operation. The action predicates (e.g., fill, incision, irrigate, etc.) encode predicative relations between nominal arguments (e.g., chamber, viscoelastic, Murphy hook, L5 root, antibiotic solution). These predicate arguments convey the important details about actions performed during a procedure. This dataset includes frequent action predicates collected from 362,310 operation narratives obtained from University of Minnesota-affiliated Fairview Health Services with the UMLS and SPECIALIST lexicon mapping.en-USsurgeryactionpredicateUMLSSPECIALISTmappingSurgical Action Predicates with MappingDataset