Naffah, Najah2013-08-202013-08-202012-04-02Najah Naffah, OH 415. Oral history interview by Andrew L. Russell, 2 April 2012, Paris, France. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 415, 24 pp.In this interview, Najah Naffah describes his experience working under Louis Pouzin on the Cyclades project in France in the 1970s. His work on terminal applications with Cyclades led to subsequent projects in the private sector with Bull, Sabre Technology, and EDS. Naffah led teams that developed distributed office systems and multimedia projects, and shares his perspective from a career of innovation and business in computing and information technology. This set of nine interviews conducted with Tilly Bayard-Richard, Najah Naffah, Louis Pouzin, Marc E. Levilion, Michel Gien, Jean-Louis Grangé, Gérard Le Lann, Rémi Després, and André Danthine was funded by the ACM History Committee with a fellowship on “European Contributions to Computer Networks: An Oral History Project.”en-USComputer historyPouzin, LouisNaffah, NajahComputer networks -- StandardizationFrance -- CycladesComputer industry -- FranceComputer science -- France -- ResearchZimmermann, HubertComputer networks -- DatagramsOSI (Computer network standard)Oral history interview with Najah Naffah by Andrew L. RussellOral History