Ishikawa, Shin-nosukeMatsumura, HideakiUchiyama, YasunobuGlesener, Lindsay2021-01-262021-01-262021 file named "model_occulted_flare_classifier.h5" is a Keras model file to detect occulated hard X-ray flares by RHESSI spectrogram data described in Ishikawa et al. 2021. The model file was created with Python 3.6.8, Tensorflow 1.14.0 and Keras 2.2.4.Deep-learning model for occulted hard X-ray flare detection was published in association with the publication Ishikawa et al. "Automatic Detection of Occulted Hard X-ray Flares Using Deep-Learning Methods" in Sol. Phys. (2021). We checked the model file with the Google Colaboratory environment (Python 3.6.9 and Tensorflow 2.4.0).Model file for Ishikawa et al. "Automatic Detection of Occulted Hard X-ray Flares Using Deep-Learning Methods" in Sol. Phys. (2021)Dataset