Peterson, Julie Ellen2009-11-022009-11-022009-06 of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. June 2009. Major:Design, Housing and Apparel. Advisor: Stephanie Zollinger. 1 computer file (PDF); viii, 172 pages, appendices A-J. Ill. (some col. )The first purpose of this experimental study was to determine if there were effects on achievement between traditional pencil-and-paper instructional strategies and computer simulated instructional strategies used to teach interior design business ethics. The second purpose was to determine the level of engagement of interior design students using traditional pencil-and paper instructional strategies compared to computer simulated instructional strategies to learn business ethics. The data offered both quantitative and qualitative evidence of preferred instructional strategies and what characteristics contributed towards level of engagement. Net-generation learners, born between 1982 and 2000, have been exposed to technology their whole lives and have come to expect the integration of various forms of multi-media instructional strategies within the classroom. Many studies have been conducted that integrate and analyze computer simulation and/or gaming with higher education, but research is very limited within the field of interior design. The study included 21 undergraduate interior design students. Analysis was both quantitative and qualitative in nature including descriptive statistics, frequencies, independent sample t-tests, ANCOVA statistical analysis, and questionnaires with both Likert-type and open-ended question formats. Even though statistical results were not found to be significant and were inconclusive, overall results indicated that the computer simulated case studies created an authentic, dynamic, and empowering learning environment that engaged the learners.en-USComputer SimulationEngagementInterior DesignLearningNet-GenerationDesign, Housing and ApparelThe net-generation interior design student: an exploratory study assessing learning and engagement within a computer simulation environment.Thesis or Dissertation