Olinger, MariahDavis, Amanda2024-02-132024-02-132023-05-05https://hdl.handle.net/11299/260987Runtime: 17:33Meet the new Public Health Review Board! Welcome to Season 5 of Perspectives from your new podcast editors, Mariah and Amanda! We thought we would take this episode to briefly introduce ourselves and also give you a chance to hear from the print editorial team members who are currently working on the next issue of the Public Health Review. We are coming to this from a variety of disciplines, including epidemiology, medicine, nursing, and, of course, public health. All of us share an interest in health equity, which we each took a few minutes to discuss in this introductory episode of Season 5.enSeason 5, Episode 1: 2023 Final Episode 1: Introduction To The 2023 PHR BoardAudio