Johnston, Lisa RCarlson, JakeHudson-Vitale, CynthiaImker, HeidiKozlowski, WendyOlendorf, RobertStewart, Claire2017-06-272017-06-272017-03-15 Data Curation Network began the planning phase of our project with a one-year grant from the Alfred P. Sloan foundation in May 2016. The project will develop a shared staffing model for curating research data that draws from the expertise across multiple institutions in order to broaden the depth and breadth of curation services beyond what a single institution might offer alone. In the fall of 2016, we conducted two rounds of pilots involving data curation workflows. Our primary goals were to 1) identify what our (actual) individual curation practices were in order to compare curation steps taken, 2) begin to establish what training network curators would need, and 3) identify any issues, misaligned expectations, and/or conflicts with the goals of the project.enResults of the Fall 2016 Data Curation PilotReport