Hatcher, John A2021-03-182021-03-182008https://hdl.handle.net/11299/219139This study analyzes a community-based reporting project at a Midwestern university in a city of 90,000. Qualitative pre- and post-test analysis of students’ perceptions of the community and of the journalism they were practicing found the project challenged their preconceived notions about the community they visited and of the best way to practice journalism. Students said the project took them out of their comfort zones and challenged their preconceived notions about the community they visited. The findings suggest that the experience teaches students as much about people and community as it does about journalism.Center for Community and Regional Research (CCRR)University of Minnesota DuluthThe Duluth Community News Project: Examining the impact of community-based reporting on student perceptions of journalism and communityCenter for Community and Regional Research ReportReport