Taylor, Brian2015-09-082015-09-082011-07-26https://hdl.handle.net/11299/174298Thor Flight 20: Open loop pitch-yaw-roll doublet. Wings level for 4 sec; then open loop (hold controller commands). 3 degree elevator doublet at 5 sec (1 sec period), 1.5 degree rudder doublet at 8 sec (1.5 sec period), 4 degree roll doublet at 12 sec (1 sec period).Purpose for this test was to compare the doublet response of the alpha-beta sensor to the simulation. The aircraft did not hold wings level very well due to the turbulence. Multiple repeats were done, and a few runs were completed successfully. R/C Rx: A=2,L=2,F=0,H=0.en-USThor FlightTri ValleyPitchYawRollDoubletsThor Flight 20Dataset