University of Minnesota Duluth. School of Fine ArtsUniversity of Minnesota Duluth. School of Fine ArtsBOLD-choice Theatre Company2014-07-142017-04-142014-07-142017-04-142014 show is an intergalactic journey from planet to planet, discovering unique ways of living and being and what others have to teach us. Aliens, Space Invaders, Astronauts, Space Queens, Evil Overlords, Henchmen-this show will be chock full of fun, exciting characters to explore!That’s right-it is Sci-Fi Adventure time people! This production will face the issues of Self-vs. Otherness head-on. Who are we? Where do we belong? Why are people afraid of the unknown? Who do we want to share our world with? Are we really all that different from one another?en-USPostersPlaysUniversity of Minnesota DuluthEarthlings From Outer Space (2014-07-11)Other