Maple, KateWright, Robin2007-07-102007-07-102005-12-12 documents (preliminary report and executive summary) discuss the need for and possible structure of a broad approach to student support, including advising, teaching, and mentoring.To help achieve an outcomes-driven, student-centered approach to undergraduate education and support, we recommend that the University develop an approach that will provide campus-wide coordination and ensure accountability for student support programs and functions. This approach should also develop outcomes, gather data, and assess effectiveness, for all aspects of undergraduate education, support, and service. Together with data relevant to other facets of the University’s mission, this assessment plan and resulting data should drive the University’s decisions about funding, continuation of current programs, development of new programs, assignment of space, new construction, hiring, and other resources.en-USadvisingmentoringmentoradvisorcareercareer advisingteachingTransforming the University of Minnesota: Preliminary Recommendations of the Task Force on Undergraduate Reform: Student SupportReport