Legge, Gordon EGranquist, ChristinaBaek, YihwaGage, Rachel2016-09-212016-09-212016-09-21https://hdl.handle.net/11299/182367Data for each participant’s estimation of room dimensions are found in LeggeEtAl_RoomSizeEstimates.csv, the spatial updating data in LeggeEtAl_SpatialUpdatingEstimates.csv, and demographic data for each participant is in LeggeEtAl_SubjectDemographics.csv. Detailed information for each data file can be found in LeggeEtAl_Documention.txt. Please see the referenced article for more information about the methods.Spatial updating is the ability to keep track of position and orientation while moving through an environment. We asked how normally sighted and visually impaired subjects compare in spatial updating and in estimating room dimensions. Groups of 32 normally sighted, 16 low vision and 16 blind subjects estimated the dimensions of six rectangular rooms. Updating was assessed by guiding the subjects along three-segment paths in the rooms. At the end of each path, they estimated the distance and direction to the starting location, and to a designated target (a bean bag dropped at the first segment of their path). Spatial updating was tested in five conditions ranging from free viewing to full auditory and visual deprivation (see documentation for details). The normal and low-vision groups did not differ in their accuracy for judging room dimensions. Correlations between estimated size and physical size were high. Accuracy of low-vision performance was not correlated with acuity, contrast sensitivity or field status. Accuracy was lower for the blind subjects. The three groups were very similar in spatial-updating performance, and exhibited only weak dependence on the nature of the viewing conditions. Conclusions. People with a wide range of low-vision conditions are able to judge room dimensions as accurately as people with normal vision. Blind subjects have difficulty in judging the dimensions of quiet rooms, but some information is available from echolocation. Vision status has little impact on performance in simple spatial updating; Proprioceptive and vestibular cues are sufficient.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesLow VisionBlindMobilitySpatial NavigationSpatial UpdatingIndoor Spatial Updating with Impaired Vision-Human Performance Data for 32 Normally Sighted Subjects, 16 Low Vision Subjects and 16 Blind SubjectsDatasethttp://doi.org/10.13020/D6HP4G