Finis, Abby2009-05-272009-05-272009-05-12Finis, Abby. Phillips Community Energy Cooperative: Energy Plan. May 12 2009. May 27 2009. Hubert H Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs paper in partial fulfillment of the Master of Urban and Regional Planning degreeThe Phillips Community Energy Cooperative assists the residents of the Phillips community in Minneapolis with saving money on their energy bills by providing energy efficiency programs and resources. Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important as energy prices are rising, transmission lines are losing capacity, and the threat of climate change is increasingly relevant. This report looks into the importance of energy efficiency in the context of the Phillips community and describes an energy plan that will help increase efficiency in the community by implementing the following programs: • Weatherization workshops will serve to educate community members about how their homes lose heat and what steps can be taken to minimize drafts. The workshops should be language and culturally sensitive in that choice of location and facilitator is as important as the information that is shared. • Neighborhood energy audits will help residents to see more clearly where their homes are losing air and how best to repair it. • A home insulation program is a cost‐effective way for residents to save money by tightening their homes. • Installation of energy efficient heating/cooling infrastructure will greatly reduce energy consumption by replacing outdated equipment. • Installation of renewable energy technologies will provide clean energy to a community with a history of industrial pollution This report looks at energy efficiency improvements in the context of the Phillips community. It first identifies the importance of an increased effort in conserving energy and using it more efficiently. The next section provides a background of the Phillips community and demonstrates the challenges inherent in the community given social demographics and housing characteristics. Additionally, a variety of social benefits that can be derived from energy efficiency and conservation measures will be explored. After a stakeholder analysis, two case studies are used to provide guidance for a model that would work for PCEC and its members. Drawing from the case studies, an implementation plan along with evaluation criteria will be laid out to help PCEC determine a course of action. Finally, recommendations are provided that serve as a foundation for a new program. Finding ways to reduce energy consumption is a challenge that must be met to increase the opportunity for a sustainable future. Implementing a responsible energy plan is the first step towards rising to that challenge.en-USPhillips Communityenergy cooperativePhillips Community Energy Cooperative: Energy PlanThesis or Dissertation