Heinze, William2020-08-252020-08-252020-03https://hdl.handle.net/11299/215179University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. 2020. Major: Music. Advisor: Alex Lubet. 1 computer file (PDF); 107 pages.Dreams are for Sleepers: An Anti-Fantasia is a piece about recognizing the dangers of romanticizing our goals and dreams; that constructing these fantasies is what drives us to pursue them, and their realization is as restricting as the situations we use them to escape. Abstractly, the piece is about interrupting the semi-tonal fantasy until it is achieved in full form. The achievement should become equally dissatisfying, so much so that the interruption would be preferred. Dreams is in a four movement form: An introduction, a slow romance, a scherzo and a final recapitulation.enPianoDreams Are For Sleepers: An Anti-FantasiaThesis or Dissertation