Meuwissen, AlyssaMagro, Sophia W.Watson, Christopher2022-04-262022-04-262022 paper reports on the results of a national survey of recipients of reflective supervision and consultation (RSC) in infant/early childhood mental health fields. The goal of the study was to explore the ways in which RSC is implemented and how RSC recipients perceive the impact of RSC on themselves and their work. The 67 survey respondents resided in 22 states and represented a variety of early childhood disciplines. Participants reported on characteristics of how they participate in RSC. Data are described regarding format (e.g., frequency, length, individual vs. group, online vs. in-person) and implementation (e.g., how/why the practice began, any training provided around RSC, who in the agency participates) of the practice. The study also included qualitative questions about respondents’ perceived impact of RSC on their work and well-being. Results highlighted that participants strongly endorsed RSC as valuable for these outcomes. This paper explores characteristics of reflective supervision that have not yet been empirically researched, yet may prove critical to the effective practice of RSC.enWhat Does Reflective Supervision/Consultation Look Like in Practice: Examining Variation in ImplementationReport