Taylor, Brian2015-06-042015-06-042015-05-21https://hdl.handle.net/11299/172538C.G. for balanced nose low at 23.25 inches aft of the nose. There were pitch excitations on L1/R1, L3/R3, and L4/R4. Pilot input is blended on L2/R2 (anti-symmetric) L3/R4 (symmetric) and L4/R4 (elevon). The pitch damper was running with a gain of 0.2 on L3/R3 only. There were 3 excitations on L3/R3, 2 excitations on L4/R4, and 1 excitation on L1/R1. There should have been two of each, but it looks like the pilot accidentally disengaged and re-engaged the excitations which cycled the ordering. There is quite a lot of pitch rate response to each excitation. The pitch damper was very active during the flight. The pilot was mostly out of the loop during the excitations; although, there are sections, especially early in the excitation, where he is active. No relationship was noticed between pitch rate and airspeed.enFenrir Flight 18UMore Test RangeRigid Body Parameter Estimation3-2-1-1 Excitations on Longitudinal Surface PairsPitch DamperRigid Body Control Law SynthesisFenrir Flight 18Dataset