Pevar, Stephen L2014-10-132017-04-142014-10-132017-04-142014 PEVAR is a graduate of Princeton University (1968) and the University of Virginia School of Law (1971). From 1971 through 1974, Mr. Pevar was a staff attorney with South Dakota Legal Services on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation. From 1976 to the present, he has been a National Staff Counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. Mr. Pevar has litigated some 200 federal cases involving constitutional rights, including cases in more than ten different Federal District Courts, three different U.S. Courts of Appeals, and one case in the U.S. Supreme Court. The areas of his specialty include Indian and tribal rights, prisoners’ rights, free speech of public employees, and the separation of church and state.LAWYERING IN THE FIELD OF CIVIL LIBERTIES A PRESENTATION BY STEPHEN L. PEVAR AN ATTORNEY WHO HAS FILED 200 CIVIL RIGHTS CASES IN FEDERAL COURT AUTHOR and NATIONAL STAFF COUNSEL FOR THE ACLUen-USPostersLecturesUniversity of Minnesota DuluthLawyering in the Field of Civil Liberties (2014-11-07)Other