Wattenberg, Esther2019-07-162019-07-161995https://hdl.handle.net/11299/204554A large and rapidly growing number of children live in neglecting families, but the rule that children must be in danger of imminent harm before child protection agencies can intervene prevents them from getting the attention they need. The consequences of neglect are serious. This volume presents the proceedings of a conference held in the Spring of 1994 to consider the plight of neglected children and how society can better respond to their needs. Five papers from the conference examine the issues involved in our present system of child welfare, the community standards used for judging neglect, the networks of support needed for families to change, how public agencies are responding, and the developmental outcomes for neglected children. In addition, two papers present innovative approaches that have been tried for treating neglecting families in Hennepin County.enchild neglectchild welfarechildrenconferencesHennepin Countyneglecting familiesproceedingsChildren in the Shadows: The Fate of Children in Neglecting FamiliesReport