Malcolm, JanJacobs, Lawrence R.2020-08-132020-08-132020-06-11 event took place as a webinar. A video of the event can be found on the Humphrey School's YouTube at: Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm has been a leader of Minnesota's response to the novel coronavirus and will join us to discuss the Walz administration's policy. Scott Keefer, Vice President of Public Affairs at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota will provide the introduction. Professor Larry Jacobs will moderate the conversation. This event is part of a series of public forums sponsored by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of MN that explore health care reform. By fostering discussions among local policy makers, stakeholders, and citizens, these forums examine the challenges and opportunities in health care reform and help ensure Minnesota’s legacy as a leader in individual and community health.enCOVID-19Jan Malcolm and Responding to COVID-19 in MinnesotaAudio