Morey, G.B.McDonald, Linda L.2010-03-122010-03-1219890544-3105 1983 the Minnesota Geological Survey, in conjunction with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals, began a geologic sample program involving the chemical analysis of geological materials, in part submitted by the general public. This Information Circular summarizes the results of that program during the 1987-1989 biennium. In all, 166 samples were evaluated by Survey geologists as potential candidates. Of that total, 129 samples were rejected because they were not deemed suitable for analysis and 25 samples were rejected because the submitters were unwilling or unable to provide locations as required by the program. In the end, 4 public samples (Tables 1, 4, and 9) were analyzed for a variety of constituents. Additionally, 326 samples submitted by Survey geologists were analyzed for a variety of major, minor, and trace constituents. The analytical results from 10 other miscellaneous samples were also donated to the Survey during the biennium and are included in this report. Tables within those categories are organized by the geological age of the material analyzed.engeologychemistryMinnesota Geological Surveypublic sample programInformation Circular 29. Analytical Results of the Public Geologic Sample Program, 1987-1989 BienniumReport