Rounds, ChristopherArnold, Todd WChun, Chan LanDumke, JoshTotsch, AnnaKeppers, AdelleEdbald, KatarinaGarcĂ­a, Samantha MLarson, Eric RNelson, Jenna KRHansen, Gretchen JA2023-12-142023-12-142023-12-14 files contain data and code to analyze detection probability of four common Aquatic Invasive species using Environmental DNA in Minnesota. The analysis, model and results come from the R markdown file model_code.rmd. This file reads in platewise_4species.csv in the "data" folder and outputs a file named modelW4species.gof.rds in the "models" folder. Additionally this markdown document outputs figures in the "figures" folder. The model is run using the R package jagsUI and data manipulation is done with the R package dplyr from the tidyverse.Aquatic invasive species (AIS) are a threat to freshwater ecosystems. Documenting AIS prevalence is critical to effective management and early detection. However, conventional monitoring for AIS is time and resource intensive and is rarely applied at the resolution and scale required for effective management. Monitoring using environmental DNA (eDNA) of AIS has the potential to enable surveillance at a fraction of the cost of conventional methods, but key questions remain related to how eDNA detection probability varies among environments, seasons, and multiple species with different life histories. To quantify spatiotemporal variation in the detection probability of AIS using eDNA sampling, we surveyed 20 lakes with known populations of four aquatic invasive species: Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio), Rusty Crayfish (Faxonius rusticus), Spiny Waterflea (Bythotrephes longimanus), and Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). We collected water samples at 10 locations per lake, five times throughout the open water season. Quantitative PCR was used with species-specific assays to determine the presence of species DNA in water samples. Using Bayesian occupancy models, we quantified the effects of lake and site characteristics and sampling season on eDNA detection probability. These results provide critical information for decision makers interested in using eDNA as a multispecies monitoring tool and highlight the importance of sampling when species are in DNA releasing life history stages.CC0 1.0 Universal MusselSpiny WaterfleaRusty CrayfishCommon CarpMultispecies MonitoringOccupancyDetectionSeasonal influence on detection probabilities for multiple aquatic invasive species using environmental DNADataset