Pesut, Daniel2018-01-082018-01-082017 a leadership legacy advance the future of learning with design thinking in mind. Explore some of the references and resources provided in this hand out. Discern your personal orientation toward time. Familiarize yourself with design thinking principles and practices. Apply design thinking in the development of your teaching and learning products and services. Attend to the development of futures literacy in yourself, others and the organizations where you work. Shift conversations in your work place from uncertainty to choice. Create the future through agency and action.Resource and key points handout associated with invitational key note address to the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation Learning (INACSL) held in Washington DC June 22, 2017.enForesight, Future Studies, Nursing, Learning, Design Thinking, Innovation, Change, Transformation,The Future of Learning With Design Thinking in MindPresentation