Shlafer, Rebecca J.Scrignoli, Alyssa2018-07-232018-07-232014 is a reviewed list of children's books that address the topic of parental incarceration. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: is a reviewed list of children's books that address the topic of parental incarceration. These books were reviewed and rated (1-5 stars) for content related to parental incarceration, availability, and affordability by a group of fourteen students representing multiple disciplines (e.g., child psychology, family social sciences, sociology, public health women’s studies) under the direction of Dr. Rebecca Shlafer, Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota ( The review process was informed by an examination of book lists created by other organizations and agencies and the use of an online retailer. With the exception of a few chapter books, each book was independently read and reviewed by two reviewers combined into one review; recommended ages and ratings were averaged across reviewers.enCYFCMACMH Research to Practice Seriesparental incarcerationsecondary traumatic stresschildren's mental healthChildren's Book Review: Parental IncarcerationOther