McDonald, Robert Emmett2011-06-152011-06-151983-05-04Robert Emmett McDonald, OH 57. Oral history interview by James Baker Ross, 4 May 1983, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 57, 29 pp. Audio file available at discusses the early years of Remington Rand in the computer business, including the management of Engineering Research Associates and Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company (acquisitions of Remington Rand), the rivalry between the two, their competition for funds, and their relations to the parent company. Other topics include the departure of ERA personnel to form Control Data Corporation; successful products; financial structure of Sperry Rand; collaboration with Bell Laboratories, Western Electric, and MIT on defense projects; Sperry's role in the 1969 IBM anti-trust case; and UNIVAC's involvement in the international market.en-USComputer historyWestern Electric Company.Sperry Rand CorporationRemington Rand, Inc.Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyInternational Business Machines Corporation.Engineering Research AssociatesEckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation (Philadelphia, Pa.)Control Data CorporationComputer industry -- United States -- HistoryBell Telephone Laboratories, inc.Antitrust law -- United States.Oral history interview with Robert Emmett McDonaldOral History